Soumyadeep Sarma

UG Student at Indian Institute of Science

Indian Institute of Science


Soumyadeep Sarma is an undergraduate student at IISc Bangalore, India. He is currently pursuing a major in Physics and a minor in Quantum Technologies. He has worked with on a variety of interesting problems in topics ranging from studying lindbladians in Open Quantum systems to studying cyclic codes for error correction, and Quantum Merlin-Arthur subclasses under Quantum Complexity theory. He believes that a combination of Physics, Computer Science and Mathematics is essential for a clear understanding of the current research in Quantum computing and Information theory.

  • Quantum Information Theory
  • Quantum Computing
  • Quantum Information applications in Condensed Matter Physics
  • BSc (Research). Major in Physics, Minor in Quantum Technologies, 2025

    Indian Institute of Science



Proficient in using Qiskit and QuTiP libraries for emulating quantum circuits and open quantum systems


Adept in using matrix formulations, complex analysis and functional programming


Adept in utilizing Convex Optimization techniques for Semi-Definite and/or Linear programming


Playing Piano for 9 years. Have been awarded Grade 8 distinction under Trinity certification


Swimming as an exercise, won many gold and silver medals in intra-college events


Love reading mystery thrillers whenever free

Recent Publications

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(2025). Design and Benchmarks for Emulating Kondo Dynamics on a Quantum Chip.

Cite arXiv URL

(2023). Bug-eecha 2.0: An Educational Game for CS1 Students and Instructors. Proceedings of the 16th Annual ACM India Compute Conference.

PDF Cite Code

(2023). Bug-eecha: A Gamified Approach to Programming Problem Comprehension and Testing. Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 2.

PDF Cite Code

Ongoing Projects/Term Projects

Design and Benchmarks for Emulating Kondo dynamics on a Quantum Chip
We formulate a novel quantum circuit to emulate periodic time-dependent Kondo Physics and also solve for our system analytically using Bosonization.
Design and Benchmarks for Emulating Kondo dynamics on a Quantum Chip
Numerically studying k-mers on k by L strips
We find novel results and methods for k = 3 rods on 3 by L strips, and introduce new techniques to study such systems.
Numerically studying k-mers on k by L strips
A report on Floquet Codes
We summarise some of the key results of the innovative ideas in Floquet Codes, and provide rigorous proofs of all theorems
A report on Floquet Codes
K.P Perturbation theory
We study the theoretical framework of k.p perturbation theory, and then utilise it to numerically show band structures for GaAs Wurtzite.
K.P Perturbation theory
Quantum Van der Pol Oscillators - Theory and Applications
We study the theoretical framework of Quantum Van der pol oscillators, and then understand its application in Phonon Lasers
Quantum Van der Pol Oscillators - Theory and Applications
MQ based identification signatures
We study the construction security and implementation aspects of MQDSS, a MQ-based signature scheme based of the MQ-based identification scheme
MQ based identification signatures


A*STAR Agency
Research Officer
January 2025 – Present Singapore

Working as an undergraduate researcher on quantum error correction. Responsibilities include:

  • Reviewing literature on Floquet codes and code-switching.
  • Analysing code-switching techniques relevant for fault tolerant logical gates in Floquet codes.
ICTS Bangalore
LTVSP Fellow
August 2024 – Present Bangalore

Working as an undergraduate researcher on Open Quantum systems. Responsibilities include:

  • Analytical calculations to study different types of Lindbladians
  • Modelling different types of System-Bath interactions in Python and MATLAB
  • Analysing entanglement and transport properties of the steady states
MPI Solid State Research
May 2024 – July 2024 Stuttgart, Germany

Worked on the Research project titled “Emulating Kondo Physics on Quantum Chip”. Responsibilities include:

  • Analytical calculations to arrive at a Quantum circuit for Kondo dynamics
  • Modelling different types of Quantum gates and states for running the circuit on
  • Analysing entanglement, spin and Hamiltonian heating properties
Online grader
August 2024 – July 2023
Graded and helped in deciding the final grading scheme for IPhO 2023 and EuPhO 2022, 2023 and 2024 as a paid volunteer. Also assisted in moderation rounds for deciding the final scores of students participating.

Online Certifications

Other certifications present on LinkedIn for the sake of brevity

IBM Quantum
Qiskit Quantum Explorers 2023-24
    * Obtained the Advanced Badge as part of the Quantum Explorers 2023 Cohort
See certificate
IBM Quantum
Qiskit Global Summer School 2023-24
    * Got the Quantum excellence badge in Qiskit Global Summer school 2023
See certificate


Contact details, if you wish to enquire about anything. I will respond in about 3-4 days upon receiving your message.